NetResults ProblemTracker
Using Microsoft IIS 5.0 (Windows 2000 Server)

Installing the Web Server

Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0 is now included in your Windows 2000 Server installation. Earlier Windows 2000 Server releases often required the installation of a Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack. This is no longer the case.

Starting the Internet Services Manager

Once installed you can manage the web server by using the Internet Services Manager. To start the Internet Services Manager, use the following menu: Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->Internet Services Manager

Starting the Web Server

To start the web server, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Internet Services Manager (see above).
  2. Double click on the Internet Information Services folder.
  3. Double click on the host name.
  4. Select the Default Web Site or the Web Site of your choice.
  5. Right click on the selected Web Site. You will see a drop down menu. Select Start.

Configure Anonymous Logon - IIS 5.0/Windows 2000 Server

IIS 5.0 treats an anonymous visitor to the web server as a Windows 2000 Server user. In order to allow anonymous access to your server, you must correctly set up this anonymous user by following these steps:

  1. Start the Internet Services Manager (see above).
  2. Double click on the Internet Information Services folder
  3. Double click on the host name
  4. Select the Default Web Site or another Web Site of your choice. Right click on the selected Web Site and you will see a pulldown menu. Select Properties.
  5. Select Directory Security
  6. Press the Edit... button in the Anonymous Access & Authentication Control section.
  7. Make sure the Allow Anonymous Access is selected. Press the Edit... button.
  8. Enter a password value in the "Password:" field. Reenter the password. Note that this password MUST match the password specified for the anonymous web user in the Windows 2000 Server Computer Management Console User configuration.
  9. Disable Allow IIS to Control Password. in the pop-up dialog and press the OK button.
  10. Press OK on all the dialogs until you are done.
  11. Start the Windows 2000 Server Computer Management Console ( Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->Computer Management ).
  12. Double click on System Tools.
  13. Double click on Local Users and Groups.
  14. Click on the Users folder. If you not able to access this Users folder here, then the server must be a domain controller. To access Users and Groups in a domain controller, Start the Windows 2000 Server Active Directory Users and Computers ( Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->Active Directory Users and Computers ). Double click on the active domain (the default domain name) and click on Users folder.
  15. Right click on the entry for the user (It should be the entry of the name IUSR_hostName) and click on the Set Password option.
  16. In the dialog that appears, enter the same password that you entered in Step 3 and confirm this password. Press "OK", and exit the dialog.
It is very important that the password entered in the Computer Management Console User Manager (or Active Directory Users and Computers) and the Internet Service Manager match, or browsers will not be able to access the web server.

Adding Directories - IIS 5.0/Windows 2000 Server

To set the ProblemTracker content and program directories, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Internet Services Manager (see above).
  2. Double click on the Internet Information Services folder
  3. Double click on your host name
  4. Select the Default Web Site or the Web Site of your choice

If you installed ProblemTracker into the root directory of your web server, you should see two or three folders in the right pane of the Internet Services Manager labeled ptdev, ptweb, and ptcgi. If this is the case, you do not need to add the ProblemTracker directories to your web server, however you should proceed to the Edit Directory Settings section to verify that each directory is correctly configured.

If you do not see any of the ProblemTracker directories in the right pane of the Internet Services Manager, then please add the content and program directories by following these instructions:

  1. Right click on the selected Web Site. You will see a drop down menu.
  2. Select New -> Virtual Directory
  3. After clicking Next, you will see a dialog box for specifying a virtual directory alias. Please enter the appropriate alias; ptdev for the code development content directory, ptweb for the web development content directory, and ptcgi for the program directory. Press the Next button.
  4. You will see another dialog box which allows you to browse to the physical directory path. Please enter the physical path name where the ProblemTracker program files were installed. Again, select the ptdev subdirectory for the code development version, or the ptweb subdirectory for the web development version, and ptcgi for the program directory..
  5. You will see another dialog box for specifying the access permissions on the virtual directory being created. For either the ptdev or ptweb content directories, leave the default settings ("Read" and "Run Scripts (such as ASP)"). For the ptcgi program directory, check the "Execute (such as ISAPI applications or CGI)" as well as the "Read" and "Run Scripts (such as ASP))" box. Press the Next button.
  6. Press the Finish button.

For example, if ProblemTracker was installed into the C:\InetPub\wwwroot directory, you would add the following entries:
Physical Directory Directory Alias Read Access Execute Access
C:\InetPub\wwwroot\ptdev ptdev Yes No
C:\InetPub\wwwroot\ptweb ptweb Yes No
C:\InetPub\wwwroot\ptdev2 ptdev2 Yes No
C:\InetPub\wwwroot\ptdev3 ptdev3 Yes No
C:\InetPub\wwwroot\ptdev4 ptdev4 Yes No
C:\InetPub\wwwroot\ptcgi ptcgi Yes Yes

Editing Directory Settings - IIS 5.0/Windows 2000 Server

The following table lists the correct access permissions for each of the ProblemTracker directories:

Directory Access Permissions
ptdev Allow Read Access
Allow Script Access
ptweb Allow Read Access
Allow Script Access
ptdev2 Allow Read Access
Allow Script Access
ptdev3 Allow Read Access
Allow Script Access
ptdev4 Allow Read Access
Allow Script Access
ptcgi Allow Read Access
Allow Script Access
Allow Execute Access

To edit the settings for a directory, follow these instructions:

  1. Start the Internet Services Manager (see above).
  2. Double click on the Internet Information Services folder
  3. Double click on your host name
  4. Select the Default Web Site or the Web Site of your choice
  5. In the right pane, click on the folder representing the directory you whose settings you would like to edit.
  6. Right click on the selected folder. You will see a drop down menu.
  7. Select Properties
  8. You will see a dialog box for specifying the settings for the directory. Make sure the "Read" permissions box is checked. If the directory needs Script and Execute access, select "Scripts and Executables" from the Execute Permissions: pulldown menu. If the directory needs Script access, select "Scripts only" from the Execute Permissions: pulldown.
  9. When you have verified the correct settings, press the OK button.

Minimum Permission Requirement - Windows 2000 Server

The following table lists the minimum permission settings required in Windows 2000 Active Directory for each of the ProblemTracker directories and the sub-directories that are to be set/checked after a new install is done. The permissions should be given for "Everyone" (and you should verify that they are not denied for IUSR_hostname which is the IIS anonymous user). To give a directory permission, right click on the directory and click the "Security" tab. Then add "Everyone" to the list and set permissions according to the following table.

Windows 2000 Directory Minimum Access Permissions
ptcgi Allow "Read & Execute" "List Folder Contents" and "Read"
pt_workgroup directories Allow "List Folder Contents" and "Read"
pttmp Allow "Modify" "Read & Execute" "List Folder Contents" "Read" and "Write"
pt_workgroup\Attachments Allow "Modify" "Read & Execute" "List Folder Contents" "Read" and "Write"
pt_workgroup\Database Allow "Modify" "Read & Execute" "List Folder Contents" "Read" and "Write"

Where pt_workgroup can be ptdev, ptdev2, ptdev3, ptdev4, and/or ptweb.
To check/set the permission, right click on the directory, and click the Security tab and choose "Everyone". You will see the list of permissions (like "Read & Execute", "Read", "Write" etc.) along with two columns "Allow" and "Deny". To allow a certain permission, the checkbox under "Allow" column must be checked. To deny a permission, the checkbox under "Deny" should be checked.