NetResults ProblemTracker
Problem History

ProblemTracker keeps a history of all operations which modify a record. This history allows you to keep an audit trail of which individuals worked on a particular record, when they worked on it, and what type of operation was done to modify the record.

To view the Record History for a particular record:

  1. Login to the workgroup
  2. Click on the View icon and enter the number of the record you wish to see.
  3. If you are allowed to view the history, it will be displayed at the bottom of the view page under the heading Record History.

You can also run specific queries over the record history to obtain statistics, such as the number of records that underwent a particular state transition within a particular time period. To run a history query, use the History icon located in the Button Bar.

To run a Record History query:

  1. Login to the workgroup
  2. Click on the History icon.
  3. Click on the Clear button (if you wish to remove the Search Criteria and Report Options selections from previous History operations). Then, select the criteria for your search using the Search Criteria and Report Options sections which are described below.
  4. Click on the Run Query button.
  5. The results will be displayed. To view a record which is referenced in the results, click on the record number listed in the PRN (Record Number) column. This will display the View page of the record you selected.

The results of a History query can be printed by clicking on the Print icon on the page where the History Query results are displayed. If there are a large number of entries that match your search criteria, it may take longer to generate the results for printing.

The results of a History query can be exported to a CSV file (comma separated values format) by clicking on the Export button on the page where the History Query results are displayed.

Search Criteria

When running a History Query, the following options are available for defining search criteria:

Action Date
The results can be limited to actions performed within a certain date range. Use the "On or After" field with or without the "AND Before" field to specify the date range for the entries you wish to include in the results

Use the Action field to limit the results of the history query based on the activity that generated the entry in the record history. The following table lists the actions documented by the record history with a description:

Action Description
ADD The record was added to the database
ATTACH_ADD An attachment file was added to the record
ATTACH_DELETE An attachment file on this record was deleted
ATTACH_EDIT An attachment file on this record was edited
CLONED_AS Another record was cloned from this record
CLONED_FROM This record was cloned from another record
DELETE The record was marked as deleted
EDIT The record was modified while using the Edit operation
EDIT_STATUS The status of the record was changed while using the Edit operation
SCC_ADD A source code file was added to this record
SCC_DELETE A source code file on this record was deleted
SCC_EDIT A source code file on this record was edited
TASK The record was modified while using the Task operation
THREAD_DELETE A discussion thread was deleted
THREAD_START A discussion thread was started
UNKNOWN An unknown operation was performed on this record

Action By
The history query results can be limited to actions performed by a particular user

Select an interface to limit the results to only actions performed via a particular interface. Select "WEB" to include only actions performed by users logged into ProblemTracker or via users browsing to the Inet page. Select "EMAIL" to include only actions performed through the Add via Email feature. Select "API" to include only actions performed using the ProblemTracker Software Development Kit (SDK).

Enter a key word(s) to limit the results to actions that contained this key word(s) in the history comment field.

Also known as Record Number. You can search for the history entries for a particular record by selecting = and entering the Record Number. Or, you can search for the history entries for a range of records lower or higher than a certain record number using the < or > options.

Select a state (or State Group) to limit the results to actions where the status after the action completed was the selected state (or one the states in the selected State Group). Select the system defined State Group "All" if you don't wish to limit the results by state.

Assigned To
Select a user to limit the results to actions where the user the record was assigned to after the action completed was the selected user.

If you wish to limit the entries displayed in the results by Product, select an option in the Product field

Report Options

The following options are available to customize the content included in the report results:

History Columns
Select the data items from the Record History that you want to be included in the report results. Each item selected will be displayed as a column in the history report results. To select multiple items, hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard as you click on the history column items. See Search Criteria section above for a description of each item.

Record Columns
Select a report layout to display field information from the records which are referenced in the history report results. All report layouts to which you have access will be available in the pulldown. Members of the Admin user group will have access to all group report layouts irrespective of whether they are members of other user groups. Selecting <Default> will display the fields Status, Assignee, and Product in the columns of the history report results.

Sort By
Choose up to 4 fields by which the history report results should be sorted. For each field selected, choose whether the sorting should be ascending or descending. The fields that can be selected for sorting are Action Date, Action, Action By, Interface, PRN, Status, Assigned To, Product. See Criteria section above for a description of the fields.

Maximum Records per Page
Set the maximum number of records (any number from 5 to 100) that should be displayed on each page of the history report results.