

Web-based collaboration software for bug tracking, change management, support, and help desk.

NetResults Tracker Fixes

PRNs marked * and displayed in green do not apply to the NetResults Tracker Online hosted service.

Version 6.5.1

Fixes for issues that only occur in Version 6.5.0
PRN 4957 * A single quote character entered into a Text or TextArea task field was being saved with two single quote characters. This has been corrected such that only the original single quote entered into the field is saved. For any records where this issue occurred while using Version 6.5.0, you can edit the record to remove the extra single quote.
PRN 4959 * Integer and pulldown fields that are set as initialized task fields cause a system error when using the affected transitions. This has been corrected such that the transition will not generate the system error and the fields will be initialized as desired.
PRN 4961 * When using the task operation with fields marked as required, the user was forced to change the value of the required field even when it already contained a value other than the default. This has been corrected for Date, Float, Integer, Pulldown, Text, TextArea and Url fields such that if the field already contains a value other than the default when performing the Task operation, the user will not be forced to change its value.
PRN 4963 * When a comma was included in the label of a pulldown menu item, ad-hoc and saved standard queries with this item selected would return incorrect results. This has been corrected such that ad-hoc and standard queries will return the correct results when pulldown item labels contain a comma.
PRN 4965 * When a pulldown involved in a dependency chain was not visible on the Query Page when the preference "Enforce Dependencies on Query Page" was enabled, a system error would occur when running ad-hoc queries. This has been corrected such that the queries could be run in these conditions without generating a system error.
PRN 4998 When a date field was configured to be initialized based on another date field during the Task operation and multiple forms were configured in the workgroup, a system error could occur under certain conditions. This has been corrected such that the system error will no longer occur when initializing a date field based on another date field in a transition.


Fixes for issues that only occur in Versions 6.0.0, 6.0.1, and 6.5.0
PRN 4946 If an error occurred while adding an attachment during the Task operation, the error would not be properly displayed in the Status bar. This has been corrected such that the error will be displayed so the user is aware that there was a problem adding the attachment.
PRN 4959 If a pulldown involved in a dependency was set as an initialized task field, the value of the field was set to its default value even if that value did not agree with the dependency configuration and the values of any child pulldowns were also not changed to agree with the dependency configuration. This has been corrected such that if a dependent pulldown is initialized, the value will be set to the initial value selected (default or other value) as long as it is a valid value according to the dependency configuration. If any child pulldowns are configured, the value of those fields may also be changed as a result to match the dependency configuration.

Version 6.5.0

Fixes for issues that only occur in Versions 6.0.0 and 6.0.1
PRN 4486 If the State Managers (for a Project and a Form) are based on the value of a pulldown and if that pulldown is changed during the Add & Copy operation to add a second record (or more), and if that change in pulldown should have resulted in a change in the Assigned To field, the Assigned To field would not be changed. This has been corrected such that the Assigned To field will be set properly when the State Manager is based on a pulldown field and that pulldown is changed during the Add & Copy operation, no matter how many times the Add & Copy operation is used.
PRN 4527 When creating a new project and setting it as the default project, it was possible to use the browser's Back button to enable the Delete button for the default project. If that delete button were then clicked (and the Delete confirmed), the default project could be deleted. This has been corrected such that it is not possible to delete the default project.
PRN 4531 When a pulldown field is set to be displayed inline and is read only on the Edit Page, the field was displayed on the far right of the page. This has been corrected such that the field will not be displayed on the far right.
PRN 4540 A system error would occur after adding a record using the Submit Page when Record Visibility was enabled, and email notifications were configured, and the Form contained one or more Link fields, and at least one of those Link fields was included in email notifications. This has been corrected such that a system error will not occur.
PRN 4542 If a URL is followed in an email notification to view a record, then the record is Edited, then the Go To Home Page button is selected, a system error would occur. If the Home icon is then clicked, the Home page would operate correctly (no system error). This has been fixed, so the Go To Home Page button works correctly in this case.
PRN 4557 When attachments were enabled in a Transition, after the Task operation is completed, a blank page would be displayed instead of the page confirming the Task operation. This has been corrected such that the Task page confirmation is displayed as expected.
PRN 4561 The email notifications sent to unregistered users did not include the PRN in cases where neither [Users] nor [Admin] were selected as one of the user groups in Unregistered User Options. This has been corrected such that all notifications sent to unregistered users include the PRN.
PRN 4564 When data in Link fields contained special characters like "&", "<" or notifications. This has been corrected such that these characters will not be encoded in the email messages.
PRN 4566 Certain characters such as ' (apostrophe) and * (star) were considered invalid when entered as an email addresses into the Unregistered User Email field. This has been corrected such that these characters are considered valid in an email address when they appear before the "@" sign.
PRN 4571 Where there are 12 or more forms with the same workflow in a workgroup, a History query with "*" selected for Forms will return incomplete results. This has been corrected such that the History query will return correct results.
PRN 4574 A system error can occur when adding or tasking a record when Alerts are not displayed during the Add or Task operation and are based on a date field. The system error does not occur in all installations when Alerts are not displayed during the Add or Task operation and are based on a date field. This issue has been corrected such that the system error will no longer occur.
PRN 4575 When Record Visibility was enabled in a workgroup with multiple forms, records with the same PRN value would be displayed on the Home Page reports irrespective of the visibility setting. This has been corrected such that the Home Page reports will only display the records which are visible to the user.
PRN 4576 When the Submit via Email feature is based on the value of a pulldown and the feature is enabled for the default value, a system error will occur when an email is sent to the address configured for the default value. This has been corrected such that the system error will not occur.
PRN 4577 * When using the SDK/API with the property "UseFieldNames" set to False, Annotate on Add set to Automatic for a TextArea field and setting the value of this TextArea field to include a single quote, a system error will occur. When using the SDK/API with the above conditions without a single quote in the value being set for the TextArea field, the value will be set twice. These issues have been corrected such that the single quote is escaped correctly and the value is not set twice in the field.
PRN 4597 When the fields from multiple forms are displayed on the Query Page, they were sorted by Form first, then by the Order property (and then alphabetically by Label) instead of being sorted by the Order property first. This has been corrected such that the fields will be sorted by the Order property first (and then alphabetically by Label if Order is the same for 2 or more fields).
PRN 4598 When multiple forms were removed from a Project simultaneously, it would result in a system error for certain Home Page reports. This has been corrected such that removal of forms from a Project will not cause a system error on related Home Page reports.
PRN 4603 In Saved Queries with Form = *, a date range in search criteria, and the same date selected as sort criteria, results that spanned multiple pages were not sorted correctly. This has been corrected such that the results will be sorted correctly by the selected date field.
PRN 4607 Extra Alert notifications could be generated for certain Transitions in the Base template (if the Base template were selected when creating a workgroup). This has been corrected such that extra alert notifications will not be generated.
PRN 4633 When a link field was set such that items could not be set in the reverse link field and the field was visible to certain user groups on the Edit Page (Update), links were removed when the record was edited. This has been corrected such that editing will no longer remove the links and the field will not be editable when the option "Allow Link Items to be Set" is set to "No".
PRN 4655 TextArea fields in SQL Server workgroups created using release 6.0.0 or 6.0.1 and using the UTF-8 character set did not properly store and display all UTF-8 characters. As long as the characters in Western European languages (English, French etc.) are used it will be stored and displayed properly, but the characters in multi-national languages (Chinese, Arabic etc.) will not be stored and displayed properly. This has been corrected such that all UTF-8 characters will be stored and displayed correctly.
PRN 4660 When the Assignee field was configured as read only on the Edit Page, the User ID was displayed instead of the full name. This has been corrected such that the value of the Assignee field will be displayed as the full name.
PRN 4675 When pulldowns are displayed as radio buttons, the order of the items is changed to list the selected item first. This has been corrected such that the order of the items will not change based on the value selected.
PRN 4700 * If SQL Server is used as the database, and more than 8000 characters are present in a TextArea field (or more than 4000 characters in a SQL Server UTF-8 workgroup) and the record is tasked, and the field is a Task Field with the append option set to Yes, and more data is added to the TextArea field, some of the data was being truncated. This issue does not affect workgroups using Access or Oracle databases. This has been corrected such that the data will not be truncated.
PRN 4704 Saved Charts that had something other than <All Records> selected for Default Input Records could not be printed from the Home Page using the Print link in the page. Using the Print button in the web browser did work. This has been corrected such that these charts can now be printed from the Home Page using the Print link in the page.
PRN 4710 When printing reports in Firefox 3, the heading label is displayed as random characters. This issue does not affect Firefox 2. This has been corrected such that the heading label is displayed correctly.
PRN 4862 When multiple forms are used in workflows with the same state values, a Transition that is configured with a "Last Assignee..." option can incorrectly set the assignee to a previous assignee of a different form.
PRN 4512 * In the User Management System (UMS), users who had been added to a workgroup in the past, but are no longer added nor have access to the workgroup were displayed in a workgroup's list of users. This has been changed such that these users are no longer displayed in a workgroup's user list.
PRN 4524 * When the Create Tables operation was used on a workgroup with multiple Forms present, tables were not created to account for the additional Forms. This created an issue when migrating or moving workgroups and required users to do some additional manual steps to complete the process successfully. This has been corrected such that the Create Tables operation will create the necessary tables. Now, users don't have to do the additional manual steps.


Fixes for issues that only occur in Versions 5.5.2 - 5.5.4 and 6.0.x
PRN 4536 When a Transition had no Task Fields and had cloning enabled, the clone operation would not be done. This has been corrected such that the clone operation will occur during a Transition that has no Task Fields.
PRN 4799 When Record Visibility was not enabled, the Record Visibility privileges "Edit Record Visibility" and "Override Record Visibility" were available on the Group privileges page. Enabling the "Edit Record Visibility" privilege would cause the "Make Visible to User Group" field to appear on the Add and Edit pages even though the usage of this field would not apply with Record Visibility disabled. This has been corrected such that the "Edit Record Visibility" and "Override Record Visibility" and the related "Make Visible to User Group" field only appears if Record Visibility is set to "Yes".


Fixes for issues that only occur in Versions 5.5.x and 6.0.x
PRN 4205 The user group privilege "Override Record Visibility" was not being applied on the Edit Page so members of a user group with this privilege enabled were not able to see the full list of standard user groups. This has been corrected such that the privilege is applied to the Edit Page.
PRN 4251 When Add & Copy was used to add a record when there was a pulldown visible on the Add Page involved in a dependency with a pulldown not visible on the Add Page, a system error would occur. This has been corrected such that the Add & Copy operation can be used without generating a system error in this case.
PRN 4313 When the Add & Copy operation was used to add a record by a user with the Edit Record Visibility privileges, user groups with a space in the name were not saved when the record was added. This has been corrected such that these user groups will be saved when Add & Copy is used to add a record.
PRN 4484 If a Knowledge Base had the option "Display TextArea Fields as HTML" enabled and a TextArea field was displayed in the Item Page, any line breaks within the TextArea field were replaced with a break (<br>). This has been corrected such that the line breaks are no longer replaced with a break.
PRN 4528 If Auto Login was enabled for one workgroup, it would be applied to other workgroups in which a particular user account has access. This has been corrected such that Auto Login is only applied to the specific workgroup(s) where it has been enabled.
PRN 4530 The content in Field Help tooltips was being truncated when using Firefox browser. This has been corrected such that the full Field Help content will be displayed in all supported browsers.
PRN 4579 When using the NOT operator on a Release Number field in an Advanced Query, some matches were not included in the results because the operator was only applied to the first digit of the field. This has been corrected such that the operator is applied to all digits of the field in combination.
PRN 4611 When exporting queries with a blank space as the report title, the exported file would be saved without a name and an incorrect file extension. This has been corrected such that a blank space report title will be replaced with a default file name and correct extension when exported.
PRN 4646 When editing the Subscriber List for a Discussion thread, users are not listed in alphabetical order. This has been corrected to list the users in alphabetical order.
PRN 4729 Charts that calculate the average time in going from one state to another and are broken down by Assignee have been changed so that the breakdown reflects the correct historical Assignee.

To read about the features (enhancements and fixes) in Versions 6.0.0 - 6.0.1, click here.



NetResults Tracker (also called NRTracker) is a web-based collaboration software for bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, change management, workflow management, process management, knowledge base, help desk, and automated support portal.


NetResults Tracker is available as a hosted solution (Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)) or as a packaged software.